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Carole Baillargeon.

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Earth Day, 2005

This project stemmed from an invitation from the Musée national des Beaux-arts du Québec to design a participatory workshop with a school-age and adult target audience within the Earth Day celebrations on April 22, 2005. The parameters of the activity required the use of recycled materials and that the project be completed within a day.

To meet this challenge, I drew from my artistic approach that is based on clothing and textile work. The materials used were metal hangers and out-of-use linens. Participants were encouraged to fill in the space inside the hangers. In addition to raising awareness for the use of recycled materials, this workshop made it possible to work with textiles and develop creativity through simple knotting and weaving techniques, while creating harmonious colour work.

At the end of the workshop, the mural was collected by the second-hand shop "la Commode", who had supplied the materials.

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