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© 20167 Tous droits réservés Carole Baillargeon.
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La robe écrite (The Written Dress)
The meanings and functions associated to clothing are many: to hide, seduce, reveal the wearer's personality, protect from the elements, display social status, etc. The dress is all this, certainly, but in my artistic process, the dress is foremost a representation of the complexity of the human experience; a metaphor of body and soul. My work is distinguished by the desire to itemise, to work with all aspects of garments in relation to the body and/or the environment, from identity to economy, from psychological to social.
Through literary detour, the pieces of La robe écrite were created. Drawing from the texts of authors who were inspired by the theme of the dress, I created a series of six sculptures, carefully choosing the materials and techniques for each, according to their potential for expression. The narrative thread of the pieces is a combination of my personal history and the authors' visions.
More character than costumes, these full-size garments look inhabited, animated by a kind of theatricality which invites the audience to a real connection.
Adapted from the Press File from la Maison de la culture Pointe-aux-Trembles, text by Suzanne Dubuc.
General view at Centre national des arts
La robe écrite is composed of
6 sculptures,
1 low relief in12 parts,
6 thread drawings.
General view in large format
List of works (PDF)
Press File (PDF)
Photos : Michel Gauvin, Érick Labbé, Étienne Dionne |
Robe appât, 5000$ |
Robe âme, 3000$ |
Robe folie et liberté, private collection |
Robe souvenir, 5000$ |
Robe abnégation, 5000$ |
Thread drawing, each one presents a sculpture |
Robe Abnégation, 300$ framed |
Robe Souvenirs, 300$ framed |
Robe être ou paraître, 5000$ |
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