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Carole Baillargeon.

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La robe cassée (The Broken Dress)

The sculptures are inspired by an anecdote intimately related to the garment and its social symbolism that I experienced as a young child. Thinking about this memory, it seems that something was broken within me, a certain recklessness and spontaneity. I use the image of the dress because it depicts the passage towards "one" feminity, the one that adopts cautious and restrained attitudes and behaviours, generated by excessive prudence fed by all kinds of fears. One of these fears is challenged through the use of woodworking machinery, wood being combined with fabric for the realisation of the pieces composing La robe cassée. The scale of the sculptures refers to childhood. They are reminiscent of children and toys. Most of them are on uncertain footing, or allude to it. The learning process is depicted with the trials and errors of the first few years of life. The playful aspect of the sculptures emerges with manipulation; the visitor is invited to interact with them through simple gestures: push, pull, turn, pick up, shake. They legitimize touch and the tactile pleasure of wood and fabric. The pieces of La robe cassée were made during a creation residency at Centre-Est-Nord-Est in the spring of 1999.

La robe cassée (The Broken Dress) is composed of 9 sculptures.

General view in large format
List of works (PDF)

Photos : Ivan Binet

La ballerine (Private Collection)

La mue (Private Collection)

Untitled - wood, fabric, metal

La promeneuse, wood, fabric, leather leash, hook (450$)

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