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© 20167 Tous droits réservés
Carole Baillargeon.

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Dualités (Dualities)

These plane pieces repeat the same motif of a pattern for a glove without the thumb. This forms a hand with 8 fingers, as if left and right hands had fused to form a sole entity.

To produce these pieces, I use a variety of techniques. Many are made from handmade paper techniques. Paper paste is at times cotton- or linen-based, or made from plants from my garden. There are also: plants that are glued or sewn; print techniques like lithography, embossing and collagraphy; collages; weaving of paper strips; acrylic paint; writing and materials like corrugated cardboard, wood, nails and teabags.

The positioning of the motifs within a frame brings to mind binary relationships. Each pair expresses the components of a duality.

The work La main qui prend was awarded the first "Ville de Québec" prize within the Biennale Découverte, with a $10,000 grant. This piece is permanently shown in the Palais Montcalm in Québec City.

Dualités is composed of 20 framed pieces; many are part of institutional and private collections.

List of works (PDF)
Press File (PDF)

Photos : Ivan Binet, Carole Baillargeon

La main qui prend (Quebec City Collection)

Pur et impur (800$)

Intérieur, Extérieur (800$)

Intérieur, Extérieur II (private collection)

Gauche, Droite (private collection)

Cest une fille, cest un garçon ! (800$)

La main dans le sac (800$)

Nature, Culture (800$ framed)

Liberté, Captivité (800$ framed)

Pousser, Tirer (800$ framed)

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