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© 20167 Tous droits réservés
Carole Baillargeon.

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to financial assistance of

Paysages-Vêtements (Garment Landscapes)

Garment Landscapes consists of four independent installations, landscape fragments and activities associated with the corresponding season; each installation brings together sculpture and scenography, connecting the landscape with the garment and the individual with its surroundings.

The installations, featuring the four seasons, were developed based on a common structure: a call for donated materials, handling of the matter, setting the installations into motion with the help of interpreters, archiving the motion and re-appropriating its visual aspects using various procedures. 

Upon concluding this process of creation and realisation, an entire time-space is offered to the senses through the depiction of a fragment of a constructed landscape. The phases of the realisation process contained within each of the installations allow for the perception of time as being a material having helped to shape the work of art. 

These mnemonic testimonies are indications of the space occupied by the human body, of its passage among these elements that now evoke a fragment of a landscape. In this work of art, these different memories linked to clothing reunite various notions related to mourning, to all forms of mourning one experiences throughout the course of one’s own life. These multiple endings find a certain continuity in the work, much like the memories that the living keep of the deceased. This corpus invites the observer to perceive the presence of absence.

The Garment Landscapes tetralogy destined for circulation in museum network.

Video : http://www.lafabriqueculturelle.tv/capsules/6927/les-paysages-vetements-de-carole-baillargeon

Press File (PDF)





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